That the following By-laws be given a first, second, and third reading and finally passed:
2025-005- A By-law to provide for the dedication of parkland or the payment in lieu thereof for all development or redevelopment in the Town
2025-008- A By-law to authorize the execution of the Ontario Transfer Payment Agreement with His Majesty the King in right of Ontario and the Corporation of the Town of LaSalle under the Fire Protection Grant
2025-009- A By-law to confirm the donation of Lots 351 to 353 and Lots 367 to 368, Registered Plan 734, from Csop Agnes Glew
2025-010- A By-law to confirm the donation of Lots 354 to 356 and Lots 364 to 366, Registered Plan 734, from Susan Evans
2025-011- A By-law to re-appoint a Hearing Officer pursuant to the Administrative Monetary Penalties System
2025-012- By-law to Amend the Subdivision Agreement with 2601370 Ontario Inc.
2025-013- Debenture- Fire Station 2