The Corporation of the Town of LaSalle

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Town of LaSalle Council

Council Chambers, LaSalle Civic Centre, 5950 Malden Road
Members of Council Present:
  • Deputy Mayor Michael Akpata, 
  • Councillor Terry Burns, 
  • Councillor Mark Carrick, 
  • Councillor Jeff Renaud, 
  • and Councillor Anita Riccio-Spagnuolo 
Members of Council Absent:
  • Mayor Crystal Meloche 
  • and Councillor Sue Desjarlais 
Administration Present:
  • J. Milicia, Chief Administrative Officer, 
  • P. Marra, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, 
  • J. Astrologo, Director of Council Services/Clerk, 
  • G. Beggs, Director of Planning and Development, 
  • P. Funaro, Director of Culture & Recreation, 
  • D. Hadre, Director of Strategy and Engagement, 
  • R. Hyra, Director of Human Resources, 
  • D. Langlois, Director of Finance and Treasurer, 
  • J. Osborne, Director of Public Works, 
  • E. Thiessen, Director of Fire Service/Fire Chief, 
  • M. Pearce, Chief of Police, 
  • K. Brcic, Manager of Planning & Development, 
  • M. Cappucci, Manager of Engineering, 
  • G. Ferraro, Manager of Finance & Deputy Treasurer, 
  • L. Jean, Deputy Clerk, 
  • I. Middleton, Supervisor of IT, 
  • C. Bartlett, Supervisor of Engineering, 
  • and R. Tufts, Council Coordinator 

Deputy Mayor Akpata called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Deputy Mayor Akpata read the Land Acknowledgement Statement.

  • 248/24
    Moved by:Councillor Riccio-Spagnuolo
    Seconded by:Councillor Renaud

    That the November 12, 2024, Regular Council Meeting Agenda be adopted as presented.

  • 249/24
    Moved by:Councillor Burns
    Seconded by:Councillor Riccio-Spagnuolo

    That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held October 22, 2024, be adopted as presented.


Deputy Mayor Akpata noted that Mayor Crystal Meloche and Councillor Sue Desjarlais were absent.

Deputy Mayor Akpata thanked the residents of LaSalle for attending Cenotaph Park on November 11 for the Remembrance Day ceremony.

Deputy Mayor Akpata presented an award to Carson Vuk recognizing him for his efforts in the fight against ALS.

D. Langlois, Director of Finance, presented the report.

  • 250/24
    Moved by:Councillor Renaud
    Seconded by:Councillor Riccio-Spagnuolo

    That the report of the Director of Finance dated October 25, 2024 (FIN-26-2024) regarding the proposed 2025 Budget Release and Highlights be received.


K. Brcic, Manager of Planning and Development, presented the report.

Dr. Tabib applicant/owner was available virtually for questions.

  • 251/24
    Moved by:Councillor Carrick
    Seconded by:Councillor Renaud

    That the report of the Manager of Planning and Development dated October 15, 2024 (PD-37-2024) regarding the naming of streets within the Woodview Estates Subdivision be received;

    And that, Street A be named ‘Laier Lane’ and Street B be named ‘Tabib Street’, as provided by the owners of the subdivision, 2601370 Ontario Inc. and as depicted on the Draft Plan of Subdivision.


K. Brcic, Manager of Planning and Development, presented the report.

Mr. Fazio, agent, from Fazio Giorgi LLP and Mr. Meo, applicant, were available to answer questions. 

Ms. Lawton raised concerns about the proposed subdivision on Fields Court.  She highlighted that the safety of children could be impacted as the planned extension will cross over two pathways leading to LaSalle Public school. The increased traffic resulting from the new development could create hazardous conditions for young pedestrians.     

Ms. Lawton also highlighted the safety concerns related to the development, specifically increased traffic volume due to the additional vehicles that would require parking as this would cause increased street parking which would decrease safety for pedestrians and reduce visibility for drivers. 

Furthermore, Ms. Lawson stated that the project would threaten valuable green space and endanger vulnerable species.

  • 252/24
    Moved by:Councillor Carrick
    Seconded by:Councillor Burns

    That the report of the Manager of Planning and Development dated October 15, 2024 (PD-38-2024) regarding the Fields Court Subdivision proposal, be received;

    And that, Council approve the Applicant’s request to remove the holding symbol from the above-noted lands, once the required development agreement is properly executed by the Corporation;

    And that, Council pass a resolution in support of the Applicant’s request to grant draft plan approval for the proposed Fields Court plan of subdivision, in accordance with the draft plan drawing prepared by Verhaegen Land Surveyors a Division of J.D. Barnes Ltd., dated August 20, 2024, subject to the following draft plan approval conditions:

    1. That a subdivision agreement be entered into with the Town to ensure that all required municipal infrastructure and services are designed and built by the Applicant to the satisfaction of the Town and that all required financial contributions be made and/or secured to the Town, including all required letters of credit, cash securities, and insurances.
    2. That the subdivision agreement contains a provision that all identified road allowances be appropriately named and conveyed to the Town.
    3. That cash-in-lieu of parkland be provided as parkland compensation, in accordance with the Planning Act requirements.
    4. That the subdivision agreement contains a provision where Blocks 15, 16, 17, 18 and, 19 on the Draft Plan be gratuitously conveyed to the Town.
    5. That the subdivision agreement contains a provision stipulating that prior to site alteration, the proponent shall install Temporary Exclusion Fencing in accordance with the Species at Risk Screening & Addendum report completed by Goodban Ecological Consulting Inc.

    And that, a copy of this Council resolution is forwarded to the Manager of Planning Services for the County of Essex, Ms. Rebecca Belanger, together with a copy of this staff report.


C. Bartlett, Supervisor of Engineering, presented the report.

  • 253/24
    Moved by:Councillor Carrick
    Seconded by:Councillor Renaud

    That the report of the Supervisor of Engineering dated September 23, 2024, PW-37-2024, regarding the Mayfair and Maple Intersection be received;

    And that, the stop sign control be located on Maple and removed from Mayfair.


    Councillor Burns requested that his opposition to the motion be reflected in the Minutes. 

J. Osbourne, Director of Public Works, presented the report.

  • 254/24
    Moved by:Councillor Renaud
    Seconded by:Councillor Riccio-Spagnuolo

    That the report of the Director of Public Works dated October 24th, 2024, (PW-37-2024) regarding Local Road Infrastructure Enhancement Cost Analysis be received;

    And that, Council direct administration to review the road network enhancements and funding opportunities in greater detail through our asset management program and provide an updated report at a future Council meeting.

  • 256/24
    Moved by:Councillor Riccio-Spagnuolo
    Seconded by:Councillor Renaud

    That the Essex County Council Highlights for October 16, 2024, be received.


Councillor Carrick expressed his thanks to Administration, Staff and the Remembrance Day Committee for organizing a wonderful Remembrance Day ceremony.

Councillor Burns congratulated the St. Clair Saints Men's Football Team for winning the Canadian National Championship last Saturday Night.

He also commended Mayor Meloche and Deputy Mayor Akpata for expediting the county report regarding two additional traffic lights on the intersection of County Road 9 and Alma Street in Amherstburg.

Councillor Renaud acknowledged and expressed his gratitude for the attention to detail in the program material for the Remembrance Day.

Councillor Riccio-Spagnuolo recognized youth speakers from Sandwich Secondary and Villanova high school who delivered speeches at the Remembrance Day Ceremony.   She also stated that she represented the Town of LaSalle at the Maryville gala and extended thanks to Councillor Carrick and his team on a wonderful event. 

Councillor Carrick assumed the Chair at the request of Deputy Mayor Akpata.

Deputy Mayor Akpata advised that residents in the community have reached out to him regarding the installation of a Veteran's crosswalk.  He also stated that he has researched numerous crosswalks in Canada and prefers the design of the Veteran's crosswalk situated in the Town of Petawawa which is home to the Royal Canadian Regiment.   

  • 257/27
    Moved by:Councillor Burns
    Seconded by:Councillor Riccio-Spagnuolo

    That Administration prepares a report regarding feasibility and financial implications of installing a Veteran's crosswalk on Normandy at the crossing located at the base of Cenotaph Park for Council's consideration during the 2025 Budget Deliberations. 


    Deputy Mayor Akpata reassumed the Chair. 

  • 258/24
    Moved by:Councillor Riccio-Spagnuolo
    Seconded by:Councillor Burns

    That the following By-laws be given a first, second, and third reading and finally passed:

    8935- A By-law to amend Zoning by-law No. 8600, the Town's Comprehensive Zoning By-Law, as amended

    8936- A By-Law to authorize the execution of a Developer’s Severance Agreement with Philip Joseph Bezaire, Pamela Anne Bezaire and Sarah Jeannine Hutchison 

    8937- A By-law to amend Zoning by-law No. 8600, the Town’s Comprehensive Zoning By-Law, as amended

  • 259/24
    Moved by:Councillor Renaud
    Seconded by:Councillor Carrick

    That Confirmatory By-law 8938 be given a first, second, and third reading and finally passed.


Meeting adjourned at the call of the Chair at 7:36 p.m.