K. Brcic, Manager of Planning and Development, presented the report and noted the sole purpose of this meeting is regarding the proposed Official Plan Amendment for 2362 Front Road and southern adjacent vacant lands, and that applications for development will be presented at a future date.
J. Lassaline, Lassaline Planning Consultants, and B. Myler, Myler Ecological Consulting, both representing the applicant, (Beatties Sunset Marina) requested the Official Plan be amended to redesignate the vacant lands from on the Town of LaSalle Official Plan Schedule "B" from Provincially Significant Wetlands to Residential Area; and identified that this is consistent with the Provincial Planning Statement (PPS) and conforms with the County of Essex Official Plan and Provincial Wetland Mapping.
Councillor Renaud noted that some of the comments received do not address the current matter but instead raise concerns about future development on this property. Ms. Brcic advised that while not all comments pertain to the current subject matter, all comments received are considered. She further noted that all property owners within 120 meters of the subject land will receive notice regarding future development.
Councillor Carrick confirmed that the Ministry of Natural Resources, Essex Region Conservation Authority and the County of Essex Official Plan have confirmed this parcel of land is not considered wetland. Ms. Brcic advised this statement is correct.
No further comments were received from the audience.