That the report of the Director of Culture and Recreation dated August 8, 2024 (CR-2024-22) regarding a pilot project to offer a reduced rate for schools renting soccer fields, baseball diamonds, and ice pad facilities be received;
And that, the Town continues to offer a reduced rate for schools renting soccer fields, baseball diamonds, and ice pad facilities for school sanctioned, non-competitive use;
And that, for the purposes of this rate, school be defined as an elementary or secondary school located within the Town of LaSalle and administered by the Ontario Ministry of Education;
And that, the By-law to establish User Fees or Charges for Services, Activities or the Use of Property (8670) be amended to extend the early bird ice rental fee for schools from Monday to Friday until 3:00 pm and to include a fee reduction of 50% from Monday to Friday until 3:00 pm for schools renting soccer fields and baseball diamonds.