Meeting #:
Council Chambers, LaSalle Civic Centre, 5950 Malden Road


    That the report of the Director of Development and Strategic Initiatives and the Director of Public Works dated April 16, 2018 (DS-26-2018) regarding the Request for Proposals issued in January, 2018 for the Transportation Master Plan BE RECEIVED and that the Transportation Master Plan Request for Proposals (RFP)contract BE AWARDED to WSP for the creation of a new Transportation Master Plan (including LaSalle Age-Friendly Active Transportation Action Plan) at an all in cost of $124,640 plus HST.


    That the report of the Director of Public Works and the Manager of Roads and Parks dated April 18, 2018 (PW-17-18) recommending the collaborative approach between the Public Works Department and the LaSalle Police Department to address traffic related concerns throughout the Town as they are reported to either department BE CONTINUED and ENDORSED and that implementing any further traffic calming measures BE DEFFERED until such time as a transportation master plan and an associated traffic calming policy are completed.


    That the recommendations contained in the minutes of the LaSalle Strawberry Festival Committee Meeting dated March 29, 2018 BE APPROVED.


    That the recommendations contained in the minutes of the Culture and Recreation Parks Advisory Committee Meeting dated February 15, 2018 and March 29, 2018 BE APPROVED.


    That the recommendations contained in the minutes of the Fire Committee  Meeting dated February 15, 2018 and March 22, 2018 BE APPROVED.


    That the report of the Supervisor of Revenue dated April 16, 2018 (FIN-18-2018) regarding Property Tax Write Offs from January, February and March 2018 BE RECEIVED.


    That the report of the Deputy Clerk dated April 16, 2018 (CL-15-18) regarding Council member attendance at Council and Committee meetings for the 1st quarter of 2018, (January to March) BE RECEIVED.


    That the report of the Director of Culture and Recreation dated April 18, 2018 (R&C 2018-11) regarding the Parks and Recreation Ontario Sector update BE RECEIVED.


    That the report of the Chief Administrative Officer dated April 24, 2018 being a summary of reports to Council BE RECEIVED.


    That the following By-laws BE GIVEN first reading:

    8147- A By-law to change the name of Riverdance Cove to Adams Lane.

    8148- A By-Law to authorize the execution of an Agreement for Supply and Use of Water with The Windsor Utilities Commission.

    8149- A By-law to authorize the execution of a Release of Developer’s Subdivision Agreement from Blocks 12 to 17, Plan 12M-637.

    8150- A By-law to authorize the execution of a Release of three Developer’s Agreements with Riverdance Inc.


    That by-law numbers 8147 to 8150 BE GIVEN second reading.


    That by-law numbers 8147 to 8150 BE GIVEN third reading and finally passed.

Clerk's Note:  Councillor Desjarlais gave notice at the April 10, 2018 council meeting of her intention to introduce a motion to reconsider the following motion that was put and lost at the October 24, 2017 meeting of Council:

"That the report of the Chief Administrative Officer dated October 17, 2017 (CAO-20-17) regarding the Second Satellite Fire Station Location Options and Radio Communications Needs BE RECEIVED and that a qualified consultant BE RETAINED to complete a new Fire Master Plan to include a review of all department operations, exploration of service delivery models and to provide a recommended site for the construction of a satellite substation".

The development of scope and terms of reference for a Request for Proposals for future radio communication needs for Fire and Police Services and the Public Works Department was subsequently approved via Council Resolution 394/17.

Councillor Desjarlais is eligible to give notice to reconsider this lost motion as she voted in opposition to it at the October 24, 2017 meeting.  All members of Council are eligible to second the reconsideration motion and vote on it.  In accordance with the Procedure By-law, Councillor Desjarlais is permitted to make a brief statement outlining the reasons for the reconsideration request but no discussion among the remainder of Council may take place unless the motion to reconsider is adopted by a 2/3 majority.  If all members of Council are present at the meeting, 5 votes are required.  If 5 or 6 members of Council are present, 4 votes are needed.

Moved by Councillor Desjarlais

Seconded by ___________________________________,

That the report of the Chief Administrative Officer dated October 17, 2017 (CAO-20-17) regarding the Second Satellite Fire Station Location Options  and Radio Communication Needs BE RECEIVED and that a qualified consultant BE RETAINED to complete a new Fire Master Plan to include a review of all department operations, exploration of service delivery models and to provide a recommended site for the construction of a satellite substation.

Background documents are attached.

Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting - May 3, 2018 @ 5:00 pm

Regular Meeting of Council - May 8, 2018 @ 7:00 pm

Committee of Adjustment - May 16, 2018 @ 5:30pm

Regular Meeting of Council - May 22, 2018 @ 7:00pm