The Corporation of the Town of LaSalle
Committee of Adjustment Meeting

Council Chambers, LaSalle Civic Centre, 5950 Malden Road

Public Hearing for applications under sections 45 and 53 of the Planning Act.
The public is invited to comment by submitting written comments and or speaking to an application
listed on the agenda. Members of the public who wish to speak to an application are encouraged
to contact Committee of Adjustment Staff by email or phone to or by calling 519-
969-7770 ext.1252. When your request is received, confirmation and instructions will be provided
for participating in the hearing.
Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request. Contact the Clerk’s
Department at 519-969-7770 ext. 1262.

  • Recommendation

    That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee of Adjustment dated November 20, 2024, be adopted as presented.

  • Recommendation

    That the appointment of Kristina Brcic as Deputy Treasurer be approved.

Application to: Grant an easement in perpetuity over a parcel of land located at 70 Old Front Road providing access to the property located at 77 Sunset Strip Street

Application on Behalf of: Robert and Christina Bouchard c/o Floro Culmone

Location of Application: 70 Old Front Road

  • Recommendation

    That whereas the Consent is consistent with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the implementing Zoning By-law, as amended from time to time, and having heard all comments and concerns from the public, agencies, and Town Staff, be it therefore resolved that Application B-15-2024 File #4193 be approved subject to the following:

    1. That one (1) paper copy and one (1) digital copy in .DWG format of a reference plan depicting the subject lands, which has been prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor and which has been signed, numbered, dated, and registered be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer;

    2. That all of the above conditions be fulfilled on or before January 22nd, 2027.

Application to: Sever a parcel of land to create two lots fronting on Old Front Road for the construction of a semi-detached dwelling

Application on Behalf of: NC Capital Inc.

Location of Application: 150 Old Front Road

  • Recommendation

    That whereas the Consent is consistent with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the implementing Zoning By-law, as amended from time to time, and having heard all comments and concerns from the public, agencies, and Town Staff, be it therefore resolved that Application B-16-2024 File #4194 be approved subject to the following:

    1. That one (1) paper copy and one (1) digital copy in .DWG format of a reference plan depicting the subject lands, which has been prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor and which has been signed, numbered, dated, and registered to be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer;


    2. That all property taxes be paid in full;


    3. That a cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication fee in the amount of $750 per lot be paid to the Corporation of the Town of LaSalle;


    4. That the Applicant submits an updated lot grading and servicing plan prepared by a Professional Engineer for the subject lands to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer;


    5. That the Applicant submits an as-built drawing for the servicing work to the municipality for review and approval;


    6. That the Applicant provide all easements and dedications, pertaining to the subject lands, to be prepared and registered at the entire cost of the Applicant, including but not limited to such matters as servicing easements, road widening, daylight corner dedications as they relate to the development of the subject lands;


    7. That the Applicant provides financial security in an amount satisfactory to the municipality to ensure proper installation of services. A portion of this security will be held by the municipality until such time as all restoration works and deficiencies are deemed complete by the Town;


    8. That all of the above conditions be fulfilled on or before January 22, 2027.


The next meeting of the Committee of Adjustment will take place on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, at 5:00 p.m.