The Corporation of the Town of LaSalle
Parks, Recreation and Events Committee Meeting

Council Chambers, LaSalle Civic Centre, 5950 Malden Road

Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request. Contact the Clerk’s Office,, 519-969-7770 extension 1262.

  • Recommendation

    That the minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Events Committee Meeting dated April 23, 2024 be adopted as presented.

M. Sorge delegate, appearing before Council regarding the naming of the new park at Laurier and Meo. 

  • Recommendation

    That the report of the Director of Public Works and Director of Planning and Development dated June 21, 2024 (Report number PW-24-2024) regarding the naming of the newly constructed park on Meo Blvd south of Laurier Parkway be received;

    And that Council support Administrations letter back to the Sorge family to deny the requested park name of “Gino Sorge Park”.

    And that Council assign a name to the Park based on the recommended options contained within the report.

The next scheduled meeting will be held on August 27, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.