Ryan Tufts presented the application.
Mamun Chowdury, owner, appeared before the Committee and confirmed that he read and accepted the recommendations in the staff report.
Chris Kelly, 1063 Croydon Road, was concerned about a semi being constructed and cars being parked on the road. Wanted to know if additional dwelling units were being constructed.
Mr. Tufts advised that on-street parking is permitted throughout the municipality and there are minimum setbacks that must be maintained from an intersection. Mr. Tufts also said that additional residential units are a permitted use and not the subject of this application.
Ms. Brcic some streets have no parking signs, if there are issues with parking they would need to contact our by-law officer. Ms. Brcic reiterated that ARU are a permitted use in the zone and not the subject of the application.
Jennifer Lavery, 1145 Croydon Road, concerned about the redevelopment of the neighbourhood. Does not want any severances or semi's being constructed.
Jeff Renaud, 4857 Chelsea Drive, agreed with what Ms. Lavery said.
Diane Westenberg, 1231 Surrey Drive, notice was for a semi on Montgomery. They were never told about ADU's.
Tanya Marriott, 4925 Chlesea Drive, asked owner if he's renting to students, families?
Theresa Nicodemo thanked Ms. Marriott for her comments however that is not a question that will be answered. LaSalle is growing and that has to be accepted.
Norman Renaud, 1100 Croydon thought building lot was 6,000 square feet.
Mr. Tufts advised that is the requirement for a single-detached dwelling. These lots meet or exceed the minimum requirement for a semi-detached lot. Singles and semi's are a permitted use in the R1 zone.
Mr. Renaud wanted to know when the zoning changed to allow semi's.
Mr. Tufts advised the zoning changed in 2021.
Valentina Brunone, what was the previous zoning, were semi's permitted?
Mr. Tufts advised semi's were not previously permitted.
Mrs. Brunone asked if there was notification when the by-law was changed.
Mr. Tufts confirmed.
Mr. Renaud asked if tiny homes can be built.
Mr. Tufts confirmed.
Mrs. Nicodemo added that this is becoming common across LaSalle.
James Boscariol asked administration if an ARU would be subject to zoning requirements.
Mr. Tufts confirmed there are provisions in the zoning by-law that must be met.
Mrs. Brunone if they build an ARU that does not meet the zoning, they would need to come to the Committee.
Mr. Tufts confirmed if a variance was required, the item would need to be brought to the Committee for approval.