Mayor Meloche noted that Saturday, April 22, 2023, is Earth Day. In honour of this day, the Town invites the community to participate in the LaSalle Clean-Up campaign. Groups or individuals can choose a park or trail to clean up, and the Town will provide gloves and garbage bags and dispose of the garbage collected. More information can be found at
Mayor Meloche stated that Saturday, April 22, 2023, is also the LaSalle Spring Fling Event. This free event will be held at the Event Centre from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. This event includes busker-style entertainment by Kobbler Jay and other circus-style street performers. For more information, please visit
Residents are reminded that the LaSalle Boat Ramp opened this past weekend. Weather permitting, an attendant will be on-site daily from 6 a.m. until 7 p.m. Additionally, the first yard collection of the season is this coming Saturday. Yard waste will be collected every other Saturday.
Mayor Meloche advised that the Town of LaSalle is hiring for several positions. Please visit for job posting details.
The next Mondays with the Mayor is April 24, 2023, between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. at the LaSalle Civic Centre. If a resident is not available at this time, please visit to schedule a different date and time.
Mayor Meloche stated that she had the opportunity to tour the Windsor Utilities Commission to learn how our water is treated for safe drinking. She also met with the Minister of Natural Resources regarding the legacy oil and gas wells and said it was a very informative session as the Town has a few of these.
Mayor Meloche also attended the Women Life Freedom art exhibit at the Art Gallery of Windsor. She said it was an emotional and eye-opening exhibit that displayed women fighting for equality in other parts of the world.
Mayor Meloche and the CAO met with the Mayor of Chatham to continue building relationships with neighbouring municipalities.