The Corporation of the Town of LaSalle

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Town of LaSalle Council held on

Council Chambers, LaSalle Civic Centre, 5950 Malden Road
Members of Council Present:
  • Mayor Crystal Meloche, 
  • Deputy Mayor Michael Akpata, 
  • Councillor Terry Burns, 
  • Councillor Mark Carrick, 
  • Councillor Sue Desjarlais, 
  • Councillor Jeff Renaud, 
  • and Councillor Anita Riccio-Spagnuolo 
Administration Present:
  • J. Milicia, Chief Administrative Officer, 
  • P. Marra, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, 
  • J. Astrologo, Director of Council Services/Clerk, 
  • G. Beggs, Director of Planning and Development, 
  • D. Davies, Chief of Police, 
  • P. Funaro, Director of Culture & Recreation, 
  • D. Hadre, Director of Strategy and Engagement, 
  • R. Hyra, Director of Human Resources, 
  • D. Langlois, Director of Finance and Treasurer, 
  • J. Osborne, Director of Public Works, 
  • E. Thiessen, Director of Fire Service/Fire Chief, 
  • D. Dadalt, Legal Counsel, 
  • N. DiGesu, Manager of IT, 
  • G. Ferraro, Manager of Finance & Deputy Treasurer, 
  • and N. Sharp, EA to the Director of Council Services/Clerk 

Mayor Meloche called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Mayor Meloche read the Land Acknowledgement Statement.

  • 96/23
    Moved by:Councillor Burns
    Seconded by:Councillor Riccio-Spagnuolo

    That the April 25, 2023, Regular Council Meeting Agenda be adopted as presented.

  • 97/23
    Moved by:Councillor Desjarlais
    Seconded by:Councillor Renaud

    That the Minutes of the Closed Meeting of Council and Regular Meeting of Council held April 11, 2023, be adopted as presented.


Mayor Meloche addressed an ongoing issue regarding staff and resident communications. She expressed that the abuse some Town Staff deal with, whether in person, by email, phone or through social media, is unacceptable. There is an expectation that staff and residents treat each other with respect. Abusive behaviour towards members of Town staff will not be tolerated. If a resident has an issue they wish to escalate, they are encouraged to contact the Mayor, the CAO or a Director in a respectful manner.

Mayor Meloche stated that this past weekend was the LaSalle Spring Fling at the new event centre on Front Rd. It was another successful event by the Culture and Recreation team with the assistance of several other departments. The event was well attended with many smiling faces.

Deputy Mayor Akpata and Mayor Meloche recently attended Mayor Dilkens' luncheon to discuss the future economic potential for the City of Windsor. Mayor Meloche said meeting with other community leaders and partners was great.

Mayor Meloche congratulated Jeff Casey and his team of volunteers on the success of the Play for a Cure event held at the Vollmer. The event raised $374,000, bringing the three-year total to $1,059,000 for local cancer research.

Mayor Meloche reminded residents that Summer Day Camp Registration begins Monday, May 1st, and that sessions fill up quickly. Registration is available online, in-person, and over the phone. Also, on May 1st, the Sports Fields are open for the season, weather permitting. She stated that as of last Friday, the outdoor restrooms are also open for the season.

Mayor Meloche noted that the quarterly residential water bills and the second installment of interim property tax bills are due this Friday. She advised residents to visit the Town's website or contact the finance department for payment options or questions.

Mayor Meloche reminded residents that this Saturday is the annual Turtle Club Parade, and a portion of Front Rd. will be closed during the morning hours.

G. Beggs, Director of Planning and Development, presented the report and provided an overview of the Secondary Proposal for the Howard Bouffard Area.

  • 98/23
    Moved by:Councillor Desjarlais
    Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Akpata

    That the report of the Director of Planning and Development dated April 4, 2023 (PD-09-2023) regarding the initiation of the Howard Bouffard Secondary Plan be received;

    And that Council authorize Administration to contract Planning Partnership to prepare and update the Howard Bouffard Secondary Plan in accordance with the proposal submitted.


P. Marra, Deputy CAO, presented the report.

D. Langlois, Director of Finance/Treasurer discussed the financial aspects of the project.

Brittany Hacker, President of Rotary Club of LaSalle Centennial, appeared before Council to acknowledge and thank the Town for the Rotary's sponsorship of elements on the waterfront.

  • 99/23
    Moved by:Councillor Renaud
    Seconded by:Councillor Desjarlais

    That the report of the Deputy CAO dated April 6, 2023 (AD-07-2023) regarding the Waterfront Skate Trail and Water Feature Concept and Sponsorships be received;

    And that Council concurs with the concept presented and that administration be directed to proceed with detail design of a natural ice skate trail/water feature at the Waterfront;

    And that Council concurs with the proposed sponsorship of the water feature from the Rotary Club of LaSalle-Centennial in the amount of $132,000 and authorizes Administration to enter into an agreement with the Rotary Club of LaSalle-Centennial;

    And that Council approves Administration to retain an outside consultant to assist in developing a list of sponsorship opportunities for the skate trail, plaza area and LaSalle sign features, as well as for the remaining aspects to be built at the Waterfront.


P. Funaro, Director of Culture and Recreation, presented the report.

  • 100/23
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Akpata
    Seconded by:Councillor Renaud

    That the report of the Director of Culture and Recreation dated April 3, 2023 (CR-2023-12) regarding a pilot project to offer a reduced rate for schools renting soccer fields, baseball diamonds, and ice pad facilities be received;

    And that the Town offers a reduced rate, as a pilot project, from May 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 for schools renting soccer fields, baseball diamonds, and ice pad facilities for school sanctioned, non-competitive use;

    And that for the purposes of this rate, school be defined as an elementary or secondary school located within the Town of LaSalle and administered by the Ontario Ministry of Education;

    And that Schedule F of the By-law to establish User Fees or Charges for Services, Activities or the Use of Property (8670) be amended to extend the early bird ice rental fee for schools from Monday to Friday until 3:00 pm and to include a fee reduction of 50% from Monday to Friday until 3:00 pm for schools renting soccer fields and baseball diamonds.


    Mayor Meloche requested that Administration report back to Council following the conclusion of the pilot program regarding the success of the program.

P. Funaro, Director of Recreation and Culture, presented the report.

D. Langlois, Director of Finance/Treasurer, discussed the financial feasibility of the project.

  • 101/23
    Moved by:Councillor Riccio-Spagnuolo
    Seconded by:Councillor Desjarlais

    That the report of the Director of Culture and Recreation dated April 5, 2023 (CR-2023-20) regarding the feasibility of hosting a large scale travelling exhibit at the Event Centre at 970 Front Road be received;

    And that the recommendation to host a large-scale exhibit in the Winter of 2024 as a pilot project at the Event Centre at 970 Front Road be approved;

    And that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement with Imagine Exhibitions.


J. Milicia, CAO, presented the report.

  • 102/23
    Moved by:Councillor Renaud
    Seconded by:Councillor Carrick

    That the report of the Chief Administrative Officer dated April 13, 2023 (AD-09-2023) regarding Council Question – Community Space be received;

    And that Council endorses the concept of the use of the LaSalle Friendship Club Room (located at Town Hall) as a meeting room for community-oriented groups free of charge;

    And that Administration brings forward a policy, outlining the parameters for the use of the LaSalle Friendship Club Room by community-oriented groups, to the Parks, Recreation and Events Committee for consideration.

  • 103/23
    Moved by:Councillor Renaud
    Seconded by:Councillor Carrick

    That Council endorses the appointment of Dennis Rogers, Union Water Supply System, and Frank Garardo, City of Windsor, to the Essex Region Source Protection Committee for the term beginning April 13, 2023 and expiring April 13, 2028.

  • 104/23
    Moved by:Councillor Burns
    Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Akpata

    That information items 1 through 5, as included under Section I of the Agenda, be received.

  • 105/23
    Moved by:Councillor Renaud
    Seconded by:Councillor Carrick

    That the following By-laws be given a first, second, and third reading and finally passed:

    8788 – A By-law to stop up, close and sell an alley system running east-west lying north of lots 444 to 449 inclusive, Registered Plan 1030, LaSalle

    8789 - A By-law to authorize the exchange of lands in part of Lots 354 through 359, Plan 793, and Part of Block J (Part Alley closed by R576419), Sandwich West, with Thomas Joseph David Brusseau and Josette Margaret Leonard

  • 106/23
    Moved by:Councillor Desjarlais
    Seconded by:Councillor Burns

    That the following By-law be given third reading and finally passed:

    8764 - A By-law to provide for the repair and improvements of the 4th Concession Drain in the Town of LaSalle, in the County of Essex


Deputy Mayor Akpata thanked the Town for adding an insert to April's water bill to reach out to Veterans.

Councillor Riccio-Spagnuolo stated that the Accessibility Advisory Committee recently toured the new event centre facility and that the Members of the Committee were pleased and proud of the building.

  • 107/23
    Moved by:Councillor Burns
    Seconded by:Councillor Carrick

    That Administration prepares a report providing solutions and costs to resolve the traffic issue at the Sprucewood and Matchett intersection.


    Councillor Carrick reiterated Mayor Meloche's statement earlier in the meeting regarding unacceptable behaviour towards Town staff. He stated that he supports the promotion of respect in the workplace and that offensive conduct will not be tolerated.

Mayor Meloche reported that on April 11, 2023, Council met in Closed Session and received information for a property matter and provided Administration with further direction regarding that matter.

  • 108/23
    Moved by:Councillor Renaud
    Seconded by:Councillor Desjarlais

    That Confirmatory By-law 8790 be given a first, second, and third reading and finally passed.


Meeting adjourned at the call of the Chair at 7:36 pm.