That whereas the Consent is consistent with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the implementing Zoning By-law, as amended from time to time, and having heard all comments and concerns from the public, agencies, and Town Staff, be it therefore resolved that Application B-10-2024 File #4188 be approved subject to the following:
1. That one (1) paper copy and one (1) digital copy in .DWG format of a reference plan depicting the subject lands, which has been prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor, is reviewed by the Secretary-Treasurer and once approved is signed, numbered, dated and registered, then submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer.
2. That the Secretary-Treasurer be provided with an undertaking from the Applicant’s solicitor confirming the severed portions of the land shall be consolidated with the abutting properties.
3. Amended lot grading plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer for lots 8 to 16 and Plan 12M-697, municipally known as 2544, 2448, 2552, 2556, 2560, 2564, 2568, 2572 and 2576 Mayfair Avenue South.
4. That the applicant dedicates (free and clear) an extension of the 6.0-metre pedestrian walkway to the municipality, to the west of Block 41, on 12M697, and extend the heavy-duty chain-link fence to match the existing municipal fencing.
5. That all of the above conditions be fulfilled on or before September 18, 2026.