That the following By-laws be given a first, second, and third reading and finally passed:
2025-001 -A By-Law to levy and collect a portion of the taxes for the year 2025
2025-002- A By-law to authorize the borrowing of $35,200,000 for current expenditures under Section 407 of the Municipal Act and to authorize the temporary borrowing for works under Section 405 of the Municipal Act for the 2025 fiscal year
2025-003- A By-law to amend By-Law 8889 being a bylaw to provide for the minor improvement of the Laframbois Drain in the Town of LaSalle in the County of Essex
2025-004- A By-law to amend By-Law 8891 being a bylaw to provide for the minor improvement of the 4th Concession Drain in the Town of LaSalle in the County of Essex